Handling unwanted advice when you are pregnant

There is a lot to celebrate when you are pregnant. A wonderful life-changing event awaits you and many want to share your joy. And some may not have the best intentions. Either way, setting clear boundaries will help lower your … Continued

Choosing Adoption

Finding oneself with an unplanned pregnancy can be scary and trying to figure out what options you have can be stressful. When searching “unplanned pregnancy” on google the first things that populate are “free abortions near me”, “need abortion pills” … Continued

Bonding with your baby during pregnancy

Did you know you can bond with your baby before she is even born? Using your voice In the second trimester, your baby’s ears are almost fully developed and capable of hearing sounds outside the womb. Click here to read … Continued

Where to find help during pregnancy

Whether this is your first pregnancy, your second, or beyond it is likely that you do not feel 100% prepared. That’s okay because every pregnancy is different, every person is different, and during each pregnancy your situation you’re facing is … Continued

It’s my choice—not yours

“You’re trying to trap me.” -my boyfriend “Your life is over.” -my dad “I don’t know how you are going to get yourself out of this mess.” -my best friend “You need to have an abortion.” -my boyfriend, again I … Continued

The uncertainty I felt during pregnancy

Do you know those moments in your life that are so impactful you remember everything including that same feeling you felt during that particular time? That’s what happened after I read a positive pregnancy test at only 18. I didn’t … Continued

Hope in hopeless situations

Hope in hopeless situations The coronavirus pandemic has been a time of uncertainty felt by many worldwide. You may feel uncertain about your health, the health of those you love, the economy, or your own personal finances. You may feel … Continued

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